Wednesday, July 12, 2006

don't get into an argument with a republican

i say something like this:

so are we to learn from bush that shirking one's duty to the government, by avoiding doing anything of consequence during a military draft, is okay? and between the two, which would you say is more consequential to the future of our nation? the blowjob, really?

i don't look to my president, or my ball players, for guidance on moral issues. i'd actually like my government to avoid imaking moral decisions for me as much as possible. that way, i can control my own destiny. if i make immoral decisions, i'll live the life i've decided on.

and they'll say something like this:

"that shirking one's duty to the government", and you think a liar who screws behind his wifes back was the only place he did that??!!!! he was SHIRKING his duty to the government and country by the way he handled china, YEMEN, and many other areas of leadership when he was in control??!!!!!! he wasnt just a liar in one area, he lied every time he opened his mouth if it benefited him...nice leader!? you arent that blind are you??!! GUESS WHAT?!! this country was founded on GOD and moral beliefs and the ability to keep them sacred....if you dont want to have a government making those types of decisions or having that influence, you can find many countries that believe the same way in that arena! our liberal judges have tried to accomplish that over the years as well.


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