Sunday, August 13, 2006

Just a note for myself

It says here that the initial tip for the British airplane plot came from a Muslim within the community that was concerned. That led to all of the surveillance on the suspects that stopped the suspected plot.

I just had to write that down because I'm arguing with a guy that says that all Muslims are crazy and radical and fuck'em-all. Amazing that I'm arguing with him, but the last "point" he made was that Paris Hilton is a blonde in the news, and she's like most blondes, so sometimes things are as they appear.

I tried to counter with Fred Phelps, who is a crazy Christian that thinks that American soldiers are dying in Iraq because America harbors gay people and God is punishing us for that. That dude is just crazy, and many people see American bible-thumpers in just that kind of charicatured way.

We'll see what's next. It's like I think I'm doing some good arguing with people like this, but probably not. But I do enjoy the abject horror I feel when I am countered with arguments like this.

The last one was: Did the founding fathers of the constitution actually intend to create a Christian government that would make rules based on Christian morals and fight the good Christian fight around the world? I don't have to tell you which side I was on.

I shit you not. An actual argument, and he had quotes from Lincoln that he pulled out of his ass.


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