Friday, October 20, 2006

It IS Kind of Chilly

I just discoverd that Jersey City's nickname is "Chilltown."

As eighties as that sounds, it ups the cool-level a tiny bit.

At least the nickname is better than this boring flag.

Another tid-bit, which is part of the actual appeal of the place:

Jersey City is one of the most ethnically and culturally diverse cities in the country, with an almost equal mix of non-Hispanic whites, non-Hispanic blacks, Asians, and Latinos. Of all cities in the United States, it has one of the largest Arab and Muslim populations and proportions, one of the largest Asian proportions, and one of the largest proportions of various Latino and Hispanic ethnicities outside the southwest. It also has higher-than-average numbers of Jews, Italians, Cubans, Filipinos, Indians, and Irish than most cities in the nation.


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