Jersey City Moment of Zen

Photo courtesy Wally G on
Ah, the good old days, when politicians used to steal and cheat openly, and the factories polluted the grounds and waters around Jersey City. You can still smell the good old days when you stand in the right place at the right time...
Now your talking! This is from the good old days when JC was a manufacturing dynamo! People could live a comfortable middle class existence and work in the plant forever. Now all you hippies and communists have come down here and taken away our coldwater flats that we rented at $70 a month, thrown up some paint, fixed windows and call it a "condo". Shame on you!!
So there was some "pollution" at least we had a nice life and our kids went to school. There was a community. Now all you hippies and yuppies are here today and gone tommorrow.
what about the good old days when the JC Indians played at Roosevelt Stadium in JC? I mean there was some talent that came through these parts. I think a new stadium is appropriate. That would definitely help the area and the economy!
Okay, Mr Bitter, I'm sure the good old days were awesome. That's how they seemed in Five Finger Discount, A Crooked Family History.
And get over the gentrification thing. You know why it happens? Because I couldn't afford to be anywhere else, so this is where I had to end up. So it's my fault that I'm living in a re-furbished coldwater flat? And I've somehow offended you by pursuing my own dream of having a family and owning property?
Shame on you for trying to keep me from my own dream.
I'm an editor, by the way, which, if you are familiar with the pay structures of publishing, pays less than a construction job. I'm just trying to live a comfortable middle-class existence.
As for a stadium, I think that would be a great idea. Maybe Mr. Bitter remembers the days when the Brooklyn Dodgers threatened to move to Jersey City before taking off for LA.
The good old days were never as good as we remember them to be.
Mr. Bitter says the "good old days" are not called the "good old days" for nothing. Of course they were good! We don't say "bad old days". There was respect and humility. Experts were experts, not some "kid" pecking away at the keyboard in some remote corner of the world with an opinion that he/she thinks everyone else is breathless to hear! Good Day Sir/Madame!
Lord have mercy. Obviously no-one is breathless to hear my comments: you have made about 90% of the comments on this blog! Congratulations.
As for calling myself an expert, I doubt I have done so. I live in Jersey City, and I blog about Jersey City. The fact that I live here is almost the only claim I have on knowing anything about this place. I read about it, I search the news about it, and I look for news on the street. I certainly have only been here for three years, so a wizened soul has information to offer me, I'm sure.
Those are my sources, and most of these sources certainly don't seem to point to the old days in Jersey City being that good. Now I have your testimony on the other side, as jaded as it may be.
And now I am transparent as I peck away at my computer.
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