Wednesday, October 31, 2007

Jersey City Moment of Zen

Photo courtesy Wally G on

Ah, the good old days, when politicians used to steal and cheat openly, and the factories polluted the grounds and waters around Jersey City. You can still smell the good old days when you stand in the right place at the right time...

Thursday, October 18, 2007

Jersey City Fear and Robbery

Here's a map of the burglaries in Jersey City.

The Jersey Ledger points out that downtown is the nexus of the most burglaries, and seems to concentrate on that as a problem.

But I see something different: the cops are doing a great job protecting all the rich white people in the historic downtown district. Take a look - the burglaries are not where the money is.

They are basically letting the poor steal from the poor, it seems. Maybe I'm too cynical, but wouldn't you think there'd be more burglaries where there's more money, unless they have a concerted effort to protect said money.

Am I wrong?

Thursday, October 11, 2007

Jersey City Fire

So, yeah, a building that was being built on Hudson Street went up in flames. So what.

The real news is, what the hell is this Myspace news thing??

Thursday, October 04, 2007

Here Come the Tolls

Governor Corzine doesn't like paying taxes, or tolls, but he doesn't like bridges collapsing, either. So more tolls and taxes are on the way.

I'm split on this one, just like he is. I drive over those bridges every day, which means I'll have to pay the higher tolls every day, too...

While the governor declined to say how the $13.58 billion in repairs would be paid for, Mr. Kolluri concluded that a 45 percent toll increase would be one option. But in a letter to the governor, he said a toll increase would cover only bridges on the New Jersey Turnpike, leaving it unclear how the repair of the state’s other bridges would be financed.

Monday, October 01, 2007

Jersey City T-Shirt

Classic. I want one of these T-Shirts.

Will it be the new, hip fashion statement this fall for among Jersey City's denizens?


The shirt, which is apparently directed at Mayor Jerramiah Healy, was distributed near the city's housing projects last week. Sources claimed the shirt was the work of a local political consultant on behalf of a mayoral hopeful.