Thursday, November 30, 2006


Back from Mexico.

Some deep thoughts: Everything is sold at an -eria. Look at this list. I'm going to start a Mujer-eria and be the pimp I always knew I was.

Also, Mexico is supposedly poorer and more dangerous than our country, but it was on Atlantic Ave on the way back from the airport that I saw two homeless dudes punching each other in the middle of the street.

Figures. I think the gap between the top and bottom is worse here than any other country, and that's saying something. I'll look for numbers.

Tuesday, November 21, 2006

Yes, Carniverous

So you THOUGHT centipedes were little harmless bugs.

Until it ate your cat!

What's funny is that I've seen a youtube clip of a centipede eating a bat, and I thought it was a fake.

But now I've read it here, and in "Getting Stoned with the Savages," which is an excellent and funny book, by the way.

So I guess they are real!

By the way, my favorite line of the story is the last one:

The alarmingly massive centipede can, however, cause symptoms such as local sharp pain, swelling, chills, fever, weakness, and uncontrollable running-away-and-screaming.

Saturday, November 18, 2006

In Reference to My Earlier Post Re Rumsfeld

I was right. They didn't want to fire Rumsfeld before the elections because they didn't want to show that they thought things weren't going well in Iraq. They are really more worried about how their manliness/correctness will be viewed than by any other factor. They must really all have small penises.

Here, from todays New York Times article about Rove's immediate future, quote below.

Republicans on Capitol Hill said anger ran deep over Mr. Bush’s decision to announce the ouster of Defense Secretary Donald H. Rumsfeld one day after the election instead of weeks before, when some say it could have kept the Senate in their party’s hands and limited Democratic gains in the House. Mr. Rove was among those at the White House who had argued that to announce Mr. Rumsfeld’s resignation before Election Day would have been tantamount to affirming criticism that the war in Iraq was failing, according to officials familiar with the deliberations.

I'm Usually Against War and All

But this thing is kind of cool. I want it for Christmas.

Wednesday, November 15, 2006

I'm a Rookie in the NFL

Fuck Y'all.

Monday, November 13, 2006

Ugh. Monday.

At least I can laugh at Rumsfeld.

Wednesday, November 08, 2006


I'm probably a little left of most of these Democrats, but I'd have to say they are better than the freaking 'Pubes.

I can't beleive that racist backwater no-good Allen only lost by a couple thousand votes!!!

Also, I was thinking about Rumsfeld:

These guys (the administration) always worry about what people think of them. I bet they didn't want to can Rummy before the elections (kow-towing and playing politics to try and win the elections) and they didn't want to can him after the elections (kow-towing to the pressure from the democrats), so they canned him right in between.

Man, they must have the smallest penises in the world. They are so concerned with seeming to be big men. I bet they can't even hang a paper clip off their scrotum sacks.

Tuesday, November 07, 2006

For The Man Who Has Everything

Get him this.

Complete with fine, sculpted little shits on the floor.

Friday, November 03, 2006

Coming Soon


Just add water, a nice suit, and good posture... and voila!

Social Success.

Oh, that'll be $250 at the door.

Thursday, November 02, 2006

Yes, I Like Fantasy Baseball

At least I'm not as bad as this guy.

Giving Deutsche's Everywhere a Bad Name

Glad to see someon is finally looking into this guy, Deutsche.

He was a political appointee to NASA that bullied scientists away from making speeches about global warming, and insisted that the word 'theory' be inserted into every missive about big bang or global warming.

Get him!

(I'm not normally a Deutsch-lyncher, being of German descent myself, but I'll make an exeption for this asshole.)

Wednesday, November 01, 2006

All Hallow's Eve

These people did it right.

Like totally offensive:

And a kooky couple with enough money to commission their expensive take of the biblical story:

(Yes, that is Seal and Heidi Klum.)